Install packages:

$ apt install sane scanbd netpbm ghostscript poppler-utils imagemagick unpaper util-linux tesseract-ocr parallel units bc tesseract-ocr-deu ocrmypdf libtiff-tools

Add to the end of /etc/scanbd/fujitsu.conf:


usb 0x04c5 0x1630

In /etc/scanbd/dll.conf comment out everything except "fujitsu".conf :0,%s/^/#/ :0,%s/^#fujitsu/fujitsu/

Raspberry PI throws kernel OOPS around otherwhise due to scanbd trying to access devices the PI does not have(i assume a parrallel port or something).

Create "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-futjitsu.rules" with:

Fujitsu ix1400

ATTRS{idVendor}=="04c5", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1630", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

$ udevadm control --reload-rules $ udevadm trigger

< Reconnect Device by closing/reopening the lid>

$ systemctl stop scanbd.service

Verify that you see the device via: $ sudo -u saned bash -c "SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/scanbd/ scanimage -L" device `fujitsu:ScanSnap iX1400:890' is a FUJITSU ScanSnap iX1400 scanner

If this does not work check udev rules.

In /etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf: Change group to saned Comment out everything except fujitsu.conf at the end.

$ systemctl start scanbd.service

In /etc/sane.d/dll.conf comment out everything except "net" :0,%s/^/#/ :0,%s/^#net/net/

Do the same for everything under /etc/sane.d/dll.d/

In "/etc/sane.d/net.conf" uncomment connection_timeout = 60 and add localhost to the end.

In /etc/inetd.conf comment out: sane-port stream tcp nowait saned /usr/sbin/scanbm scanbm

Restart inetd.service: $ systemctl restart inetd.service

Restart and check scanbm.socket systemctl start scanbm.socket systemctl status scanbm.socket

When scanbd gets a event it will free the usb device, this allows scanbm to provide the scanner to local/remote sane clients without having to stop scanbd. After the action script finished, watch by scanbd is resumed again. Yes its this insane. No not libinsane.

$ mkdir /var/lib/saned $ chown saned: /var/lib/saned $ sudo -u saned bash


< defaults are ok>

copy pub key to server

Create /etc/scanbd/scripts/test.script:


set -xe

trap 'catch $? $LINENO' EXIT

catch() { if [ "$1" != "0" ]; then echo "error $1 occured on $2" >> $LOG_FILE echo "error $1 occured on $2" | mosquitto_pub -t $MQTT_TOPIC -l fi }

MQTT_TOPIC=sj/rpi-sj/scan LOG_FILE=/tmp/scanbd.log ACTION=$SCANBD_ACTION UPLOAD_HOST=rpi-scan@XX UPLOAD_PATH=/scans

now=date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S" filename=scan-$now.pdf filepath=/tmp/scans/$filename mkdir -p /tmp/scan

echo "-----" >> $LOG_FILE echo "ACTION: $ACTION" >> $LOG_FILE echo "SCANDIR: $filepath" >> $LOG_FILE echo "_____=" >> $LOG_FILE env >> $LOG_FILE echo "======" >> $LOG_FILE echo "......" >> $LOG_FILE if [ "$ACTION" == "scan" ]; then echo "running" | mosquitto_pub -t $MQTT_TOPIC -l

    echo "scanning" >> $LOG_FILE

    /opt/sane-scan-pdf-1.2/scan -d -r 300 -v -m Lineart --ocr --deskew --unpaper --skip-empty-pages -o $filepath >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1

    echo "uploading" >> $LOG_FILE

    echo "put $filepath $UPLOAD_PATH" | sftp -b - $UPLOAD_HOST >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1

    echo "setting permissions" >> $LOG_FILE

    echo "chmod 664 $UPLOAD_PATH/$filename" | sftp -b - $UPLOAD_HOST >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1

    echo "finished" | mosquitto_pub -t $LOG_FILE -l


echo "-----" >> $LOG_FILE

git clone or use releases from repo Place it into /opt.