This post should details the crazy journey on how i managed(or failed) to waste lots of my time and in the end got a rootless k3s cluster with bgp for loadbalancer IPs via metallb.
Your sanity might not survive this read. Mine did not survive the project :P
... insert (k3s) rootless working principle here ...
How does k3s setup the network:
- k3s server is started - calls into rootlesskit
- k3s server then forks itself(where?) to handle parent(outside netns) and child(inside netns) operations.
- does not allow us to change from slirp4netns to something else like lxc-nic(easier to patch).
- Rootlesskit creates external(slirp4netns) process to attach tap interface -
- slirp4netns is called with specific options, theres no intelligent return mechanism for interface config, hence we have to reuse whats there
- Rootlesskit does child network configuration -
- where does the tap0 device comes from?
- we will need to remove this and redo some of the network configuration
- k3s packages its own slirp4netns, need to override that to do our magic
- ln -fs bin/slirp4netns .rancher/k3s/data/current/bin/slirp4netns
- because k3s sets up the bin to be used here
Wrote slirp4netns wrapper(crude & insecure, will need to harden):
- rootless wrapper:
- will write environment infos as json for rootfull process to intercept and handle
- will wait until marker file is there to wait for further startup
- rootfull wrapper:
- takes network information from json file
- creates additional netns for support processes(i.e. attaching to lan network via dhcp)
- dns, bgp(to lan, to cluster)
- setups correct IP addresses on both sides
- network links:
- helper ns <-> host - attach do well defined bridge on host for dhcp
- helper ns <-> cluster - uplink handling
- lsns -t net is freaking awesome
- you can address network namespaces by name(optional), pids of processed in them, network namespace id
- unless you are root on the host you can't switch between network namespaces
- how to handle ipv6?
- how to conjure all of this securely?
- what provides dns?
- in slirp4netns?
- can i reuse avard-dns? netavard? postman?
- resort do dnsmasq?
Interesting Reads: *
It works!!!
TODO: Document Magic Script, Automate IT, PROFIT
Yes because i am a masochist.
Test Heading
Graphical Depiction of Network Setup
Click on shapes to get to the respective part of the documentation.
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